Wind adventures is the fisrt Kiteschool in St Martin (since 1998), we know how safety and fun is important for you. So, we decide to give beginners the best experience with private lessons.
Wind adventures team's primary goal is to facilitate safe and highly personalized lessons to quickly flatten the learning curve. Sessions are tailored for your skill level whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced kite
Combo St Martin / Anguilla
Combo St Martin / Anguilla
Spend your vacations between St Martin and Anguilla.
Stay in hotels in Anguilla, after huge downwinders
A must do
Kitesurf gear
Safety motoboat
we do have 5 safety motorboats to secure you inside Orient beach
1 inflatable 70 hp
1 inflatable 50 hp
1 inflatable 30 hp
1 jet ski
1 motorboat 150 hp (kite trips)
Radio helmets
We do use radio helmet, you will be able to talk to your instructor
A 3 days kite cruise to Anguilla (Dog island, Sandy island, rendez vous bay)
Summer camp - Classes de mer
Summer camps! Vacances à la mer cet été pour les jeunes de 8 à 14 ans. Stages multiactivite, journée à Tintamare, Pinel, voile, paddle, kayak ... à partir de 6 juillet tout l été inscriptions 06 90 36 27 36
Journées complète du lundi au vendredi (9h-16 h) 220€
Demi journée du lundi au vendredi 130 €
(les bons STAYCATION de 30 € sont acceptés)inscrivez vous